Our Internet Technology

Our Deluxe Plus routers have built-in boosters that would cost you $550 alone just for the booster with no router.  >>>

Our equipment has antenna versatility so higher quality paddle and directional antennas that are tested, proven, and low cost can be utilized.

Side-by-side tests repeatedly have proven that we offer tremendous value and tech superiority.  Our Routers selling wholesale for $295 consistently can outperform routers sold for $600 - $1000.

Why Our Routers Are the Best

Our technology we pioneered 9 years ago is designed to turn weak signals into solid high-speed broadband.  Customers in every U.S. state and Puerto Rico can attest that it works exactly as described.

Proprietary housing and assembly makes our routers built to last with old-fashioned Made in the USA values.  Thousands of customers from 5+ years ago are still using their routers in an industry that has an average equipment lifespan of just over a year.


Tel.: (931) 650-4484
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