Who We Are and Why We're Different
Never heard of us before? We hear it all the time!
Discount Unlimited Wi-fi was started by 3 friends about 9 years ago who lived in 3 different states. Many people think these three guys are geniuses but you can decide for yourself. One of them lived deep in the woods, one lived in the middle of nowhere as the saying goes, and one traveled a lot by RV to remote places. They were all tired of not having high speed internet, especially using it for TV reception, and were determined to do something about it.

Hi-ho hi-ho it's off to the store we go...
So, the first thing they did was what anyone else would do. They went to stores to see what they could buy off the shelf, as well as checked online, for routers that would give them internet service where they needed it. They stuck with routers that were between $200 and $600. And they made a rather disturbing discovery. These routers were not at all designed to pick up poor signals and boost them into high-speed Wi-Fi, even those costing $1000. When there were only weak signals available, these routers would only produce slow internet or none at all. Considering that 97% of the geographical United States is NOT in a city (that's the real numbers), these routers were/are pretty much worthless for 97% of the locations customers are in, including where these guys wanted to get internet. So it was time for them to build their own router and they hoped they could do so for as low a cost as possible.

If You Build It Unlimited They Will Come
Now these 3 friends also all had technology background so they were not going to be stopped by what is sold retail. They knew a couple of important facts. First they knew that 4G LTE signals existed basically everywhere in the United States (our Deluxe Plus routers now supply 5G!). There are 4G signals in the woods, way out in the country, and even in remote state parks. They also knew there was newer hardware technology designed to take weak signals and boost them into stronger and more consistent signals. So they built and tested a few different routers in the respective places they lived and traveled to, in order to see which ones generated the best Wi-Fi. They found that their best performing router was also not as expensive to build as they had thought it would be. They each built one for the 3 of them and that would have been the end of the story, until other people they knew found out about what they made and wanted one too. So, Discount Unlimited Wi-fi was born! They called it Discount because their router would have cost 2 to 3 times as much had it been purchased retail, instead of wholesale and so would the unlimited data. They called it Unlimited because the router was designed from the beginning to always operate with unlimited data service to make all this possible and practical.

A Choice Between Profits and Affordability
Now the founders of Discount Unlimited Wi-fi had to make a choice. Do they turn this over to the online and retail stores to sell? Those stores would probably charge double, triple, or more than the founders themselves would. But their thinking was that they didn't build it originally because they saw dollar signs. Not at all. They weren't even trying to go into business. They built it for their own enjoyment in the places they lived and traveled to, and really liked that it was less expensive than many of the supposedly "really good" routers on the market. So from the beginning they decided to make a very modest profit and keep their product affordable for everybody by selling it wholesale direct. This would not generate the kind of money that would give them any advertising budget but they would just let word-of-mouth spread the news. just as it did at the beginning.. and nearly 10 years and tens of thousands of customers nationwide later, it has certainly worked! Discount Unlimited Wi-fi is the only non-contract wireless service with a permanent price guarantee that has truly unlimited data service with no caps, no throttling, and never a penny of extra charges.